Музей Михаила БУЛГАКОВА
в Киеве

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(1990 - 1997)

Katherine Konchakovska and Bohdan Yasinsky




Books and articles






     Mikhail Bulgakov in the Western World (A Bibliography) reflects the holdings of the Library of Congress - books, pamphlets, and microforms - by and about Bulgakov. Because many of these works are unknown in Bulgakov`s native land, the European Division of the Library of Congress has compiled the present bibliography of selected works from the West with the intention of reaching a wide range of readers, librarians and researchers in the former Soviet Union and the West.

     The bibliography includes some translations that are not held by the Library of Congress because of collection policies concerning translations with languages other then English. This bibliography attempts to depict the wide spectrum of interest by researchers in Bulgakov`s role in the world - not only his influence on his contemporaries but his continuing influence. It is intended for researchers, librarians, bibliographers, bibliophiles, and for all those interested in the intellectual and spiritual heritage of the Russian and Ukrainian nations.

     The material in the index is divided into six chapters. In the chapter Works abuot M. Bulgakov, the titles in the original languages consist of selected works and special publications arranged by the Latin alphabet. Bibliographic entries were made according to Anglo-American cataloging rules used in the Library of Congress. All titles in this bibliography were examined de visu. All bibliographic data were verified. All titles and author names are arranged by main entry in numbered alphabetic sequence. Cyrillic-alphabet entries are transliterated by the Library of Congress system. Geographic names are cited in accordance with the U.S. Board of Geographic Names system. Library of Congress call numbers are given for the monographs held by the Library. Some entries are annotated.

      Three indexes are provided with reference to the numbered entries: Name (authors, coauthors, compilers, translators), Geographical (place of publication), and Chronological.

     We would like to thank the Assistant Chief of the European Division, David H. Kraus, for supporting the project with his friendly assistance and valuable advice, and Stephen C. Cranton, Computer Specialist in the European Division, for his part in formatting the text.

Katherine Konchakovska,
Bohdan Yasinsky


     Mikhail Afanas`evich Bulgakov, a prominent Russian author and playwright, was born in Kiev on May 3 (15), 1891, into the family of an assistant professor at the Kiev Theological Academy, A.I. Bulgakov. Mikhail was one of seven children, the oldest of three brothers. After the death of his father in 1907, Mikhail`s mother - a well-educated and extraordinary diligent person, assumed responsibility for his education.

     From 1901 to 1904, Mikhail attended the First Kiev Gymnasium. The teachers of the Gymnasium exerted a great influence on the formation of Mikhail`s literary taste, and his favorite authors became Gogol, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, and Dickens. After graduation, Bulgakov entered the Medical Faculty of St. Vladimir University, which he finished with special commendation. He became a physician at the Kiev Military Hospital. After serving as a surgeon at Chernovtsy hospital, he was appointed provincial physican to Smolensk province. His life in those days were is reflected in his Notes of a Young Physician.

     In 1918, Mikhail Bulgakov returned to Kiev where he opened a private practice at his home at no. 13 Andreyevsky Descent. Here he experienced the dreadful years of the Russian Civil War and witnessed ten coups. Several times successive governments drafted the young doctor into their service. In 1919, he was drafted by the White Army, again as an army physician and then transferred to the Northern Caucasus. There he became seriously ill and barely survived. After this illness he abandoned his career as a doctor for that of a writer. In his autobiography, Bulgakov recalls how he started writing : "Once in 1919 when I was traveling at night by train I wrote a short story. In the town where the train stopped, I took the story to the publisher of the newspaper who published the story".

     His first plays, Self-defense and Turbin Brothers, were written in Vladikavkaz and shown there on the city stage with great success. After short travels in Vladikavkaz, Piatigorsk, Tiflis, and Batum, Bulgakov went to Moscow in the 1921, intending "to remain here forever". It was difficult to find work in the capital, but he was fortunate - he was appointed secretary to the literary section of Glavpolitprosvet. To make a living, he worked as a correspondent, wrote feuilletons for the newspapers Gudok, Krasnaia Panorama and the Berlin newspaper Nakanune. For the almanac Nedra, he wrote The Heart of a Dog (1925), The Fatal Eggs, Diaboliad (1924), and The Adventures of a Chichikov.

     Bulgakov`s began writing the story about the Civil War in Ukraine in 1923, which he published in the journal Rossiia under the title The White Guard. At the request of Moscow Art Theater (MKHAT), Bulgakov wrote on the basis of this story the play The Days of the Turbins (1926), which was staged on the stage of MKHAT with great success.

     In 1928, Moscow theaters presented his comedies Zoya`s apartment and The Purple Island. Although both comedies were accepted by public with great enthusiasm, the critics gave them bad reviews.

     In the play Beg, Bulgakov treated the horrors of a fratricidal war. The Glavrepertkom, which had the power to sanction or prohibit the play, decided that Beg glorified emigration and White generals. Although rehearsals were continued, Stalin prohibited Beg on the Soviet stage.

     In the play Molier (The Cabal of Hypocrites), Bulgakov plunges "into fairy Paris of the XVII century". The duel of the great dramatist and actor Moliere with a royal palace hypocrite was the theme around which the action took place. After the rewiew by Pravda of the play`s premiere, the play was banned from the theatre repertoire. Bulgakov`s play Batum about the revolutionary years of Joseph Stalin, was prohibited by Stalin himself. His plays Ivan Vasilievich, Last Days (Pushkin), and Don Quixote were also banned. In despair that his works could not be published and his plays not performed in theaters, Bulgakov wrote a letter to Stalin requesting that he be allowed to go abroad. His request was in vain; he did not receive permission.

     Bulgakov`s personal life was not a fortunate one, yet during his student years he fell in love and married Tat`iana Lappa. Together they experienced the Civil War, enthusiasm and disappointment, joy and sorrow, happiness, and bitterness at the time of parting obtain on divorce. Bulgakov married a second and a third time.

     Bulgakov envisioned and began his beloved novel The Master and Margarita in 1928, and did the last editing two weeks before his death. The refusal of the authorities to let him work in the theater and the provocations of the critics seemed to damage his health. He became seriously ill and died on March 10, 1940.



1. Angell, M. Max

2. Bassett, Antoinette M.

3. Brintlinger, Angela Kay

4. Checkin, Leslie Louise

5. Fowler, Margarita

6. Kalb, Judith Ellen

7. Landy, Deborah A.

8. Larsen, Susan Kirsten

9. Lefsky, Bethan

10. Lokshina, Tanya

11. Longinovic, Tomislav Z.

12. Mahood, Scott L.

13. Popovich-Semeniuk, Maria

14. Prager, Valerie

15. Richmond, Steven David

16. Rozhdestvensky, Ilya

17. Sabo, Roman Andrzej

18. Singleton, Amy Catherine

19. Smith, Natalie Marie

20. Solomon, Howatd Todd

21. Thomas, Kathleen

22. Zimmermann, Gisela


23. Abraham, Pavel

24. Baum, Rob K.

25. Beaujour, Elizabeth Klosty

26. Bethea, David M.

27. Binova, Galina

28. Bottiger L.E.

29. Brezuleanu, Ana Maria

30. Briker, Boris

31. Bristol, Evelyn

32. Bulgakov : the Novelist-playwright.Luxembourg: Harwood, 1995. xvii, 249 p.: ill.; 25 cm.

33. Bulgakovski0 sbornik: Materialy po istorii russko0 literatury XX veka / Tallinski0

PG3476.B78 Z4583

34. Cartas a Stalin. [Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanas`evich]. Madrid:

35. Chudakova, Marietta

36. Coleman, C. B.

37. Cox, Stephen

38. Davies, J. M. Q.

39. Di Sora, Daniela and Lucetta Negarville

PG3476.B78 Z646 1991

40. Drawicz, Andrzej

PG3476.B78 Z65 1990

41. Elbaum, Henry

42. Ericson, Edward E.

43. Faiman, Grigori0

44. Fast, Piotr

45. Filips-Juswigg, Katherina

46. Gasparov, Boris

47. Gerould, Daniel

48. Gillespie, David C.

49. Gimpelevich-Schwartzman, Zina

50. Gobler, Frank

51. Goscilo, Helena

52. Gourg, Marianne

PG3476.B78 Z676 1992

53. Gutkin, Irina

54. Haber, Edythe C.

55. Haber, Edythe C.

PG2026 L56A4 1994

56. Haber, Edythe C.

57. Haber, Edythe C.

58. Haber, Edythe C.

59. Hausmann, Christiane

PG3476.B78 Z65 1990

60. Hetenyi, Z.

61. Hunns, Derek J.

PG3476.B78 M334 1996

62. Javornik, Miha

PG3476.1378 Z73 1994

63. Javornik, Miha

64. Journal confisque = Moi dnevnik [Mikhail Bulgakov] / edited by M. Gourg, translated by P. Lequesne. [Arles]: Solin, 1992, 105 p.

65. Krugovo0, George

PG3476.B78 Z753 1991

66. Krugovo0, George

67. Larsen, Susan Kirsten

68. LeBlanc, Ronald D.

69. Liubin, Misha

PG3476.B78 M3345 1995

70. Longinovic, Tomislav Z.

PG507.L66 1993

71. Lowe, David

72. Lur'e, IA. S.

73. Luria, J.

74. Mai, Birgit

75. Mann, Robert

76. Manuscripts don't burn : Mikhail Bulgakov, a life in letters and diaries / compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis. London: Bloomsbury, 1991, 306 p.

PG476.B78 Z64 1991

77. Manuscripts don't burn : Mikhail Bulgakov, a life in letters and diaries / compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis.

78. Manuscripts don't burn : Mikhail Bulgakov, a life in letters and diaries / compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1992, 306 p.

PG3476.B78 Z64 1992

79. Les manuscrits ne brulent pas : une vie a travers des lettres et des journaux intimes [M. A.Bulgakov] / compiled and translated by J. A. E. Curtis. Paris: Julliard, 1991, 354 p. (Papiers d'identite).

80. The Master and Margarita : a critical companion / edited

PG3476.B78 M3354 1996

81. Mathauser, Zdenek

82. McGrath, Patrick

83. Michail Afanas`evic Bulgakov, 1891-1991 : Text und Kontext / herausgegeben von Dagmar Kassek und Peter Rollberg. Berlin; New York: P. Lang, 1992, 172 p.

PG3476.B78 Z7642 1992

84. Michail Bulgakov : Materialien zu Leben und Werk Kolloquium "Michail Bulgakov, derAutor, das Werk, die Zeit" / herausgegeben von Dagmar Kassek und Peter Rollberg. Leipzig: Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig, 1990, 126 p. (Wissenschaftliche Beitrage der Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig Reihe Literaturwissenschaft).

PG3476.B78 Z7643 1990

85. Michail Bulgakow : Texte, Daten, Bilder / herausgegeben von Thomas Reschke. Frankfurt am Main: Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 1991, 185 p.: ill. (Sammlung Luchterhand ; 972).

86. Mikulasek, Miroslav

87. Mikulasek, Miroslav

88. Mikulasek, Miroslav

89. Milne, Lesley

PG3476.B78 Z765 1990

90. Milne, Lesley

91. Milne, Lesley

92. Moravkova, Alena

93. Moravkova, Alena Diaboliada - kafkiada? Slavia : Casopis pro Slovanskou Filologii [Praha] vol. 63, no. 1 (1994): 69-72.

94. Moravkova, Alena

95. Moravkova, Alena

96. Natova, Nadezhda

97. Natova, Nadezhda

98. Natova, Nadezhda

99.New views on Zoshchenko, Zamiatin, Bulgakov, and Pasternak. New York.: M.E. Sharpe, 1996. 102 p. (Russian studies in literature, v. 32, no. 1).
      Includes bibliographical references p. 144-149.
      Translated from Russian.

100. The Newsletter of the Mikhail Bulgakov Society. Lawrence: The Society, 1995.

PG3476.B76 Z4586

101. Oja, Matt F.

102. Olonova, El'vira

103. Olsen, B.

104. Pagnini, Stefania Pavan

105. Perlinska, Agnieszka


06. Pervukhina, Natalia

107. Peters, Jochen-Ulrich

108. Petrochenkov, Valery

109. Petrovski0, M. S.

110. Piretto, Gian Piero

111. Pittman, Riitta H.

PG3476.B78 M3367 1991

112. Pittman, Riitta H.

PG3476.B78M3367 1991b

113. Pokrovski0, Boris

114. Proffer, Carl R.

115. Radzobe, Silvija

116. Rogers, Michael

117. Schoeller, Wilfried F.

118. Segel, Harold B.

119. Shentalinskii, Vitalii

120. Shneerson, Mariia

121. Short story criticism : excerpts from criticism of the works of short fiction writers. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., 1995 xiii, 573 p.: photographs.
      Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
      CONTENT: Charles Baudelaire, Mikhail Bulgakov, Daphne du Maurier.

122. Smelianskii, A. M.

PG3476.B78 Z89713 1993

123. Smelianskii, A. M.

124. Stapanian-Apkarian, Juliette R.

PG3015.5A73R87 1994

125. Strada, Vittorio

126. Terry, Garth M.

Z8130.45.T47 1991 PG3476.B78

127. Testa, Carlo

128. Thompson, Lo-Ann and David Thompson

129. Vaserstein, Tamara

130. Williams, Gareth

131. Wolffheim, Elsbeth

132. Wright, A. Colin

133. Wright, A. Colin

134. Yurieff, Michael

135. Ziolkowski, Margaret

136. Zvezdanov, Nikolai

PG3476.B78 M339 1993



137. Ecrits sur des manchettes = The Capital in a notebook. Arles: Solin, 1992, 101 p.

138. Notatki na mankietach : wczesna proza = The Capital in a notebook. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1994, 462 p. (ABC)


139. A Country Doctor's Notebook / translated by Michael Glenny. London: Collins-Harvill, c1975,1990, 1995, [160] p.


140. Diaboliad / translated by Carl Proffer with an introduction by Julie Curtis. London: Harvill, 1991. xxii, 174 p. (Harvill paperbacks; 87).

141. Diaboliad, and Other Stories / edited by Ellendea Proffer and Carl R. Proffer, translated by Carl R. Proffer. 2d ed.: Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1990, 1993. xxviii, 236 p. (Ardis Russian literature series).


142. The FatalEeggs & Other Soviet Satire, 1918-1963 / edited and translated by Mirra Ginsburg. London: Quartet, 1993, 305 p. (Quartet encounters).

143. Uova fatali = The fatal eggs / translated by Mariia Olsufieva. Milano: T. Bombiani, 1990, 126 p. (I Libri di Millelibri Tascabili Bompiani. Narrativa).


144. Coeur de chien = Heart of a Dog. Paris: Ivrea, 1992, 143 p.

145. Psie serce = Heart of a Dog. Gdansk: Wydawn. Atext, 1991, 104 p.

146. Sobache Serdtse = Heart of a Dog/ edited with introduction and commentary by Avril Pyman. London: Bristol Classical, 1994. xxvii, 104 p. (Russian studies).


147. The Master and Margarita / translated by Michael Glenny; with introduction by Simon Franklin. New York: Knopf, 1992. xxvii, 446 p. (Everyman's Library).

PG3476.B78 M313 1992

148. The Master and Margarita / translated by Michael Glenny. London: Everyman's Library, 1992. xxvii, 446 p. (Everyman's Library; 66) Originally published: London: Harvill, 1967.

149. The Master and Margarita. New York: Meridian, 1993, 1967, 384 p. (A Meridian Book).

150. The Master and Margarita / translated by Diana Burgin and Katherine O'Connor, annotations and afterword by Ellendea Proffer. Ann Arbor: Ardis, c1993, 1995, 367 p.

PG3476.B78 M313 1993

151. The Master and Margarita / translated by Mirra Ginsburg. New York: Grove Press, 1995. xii, 402 p.

152. The Master and Margarita / translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. London: Penguin, 1997. xix, 411 p. (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics).

153. The Master and Margarita. London: Picador, 1997, 366 p.

154. Diable! : d'apres Mikhail Boulgakov : Le maitre et Marguerite. Lausanne: L'Age d'homme, 1993, 144 p. ( Mobiles; 31) Dramatic version of The Master and Margarita by Alain van Crugten.

155. A Master es Margarita = The Master and Margarita. Budapest: Europa, 1991, 542 p.

156. El maestro y Margarita = The Master and Margarita. Madrid: Debate, 1990. xii, 378 p. (Ultimos clasicos; 1).

157. Il Maestro e Margherita : Cristo Pilato Giuda Satana mosca anni trenta = The Master and Margarita. Milano: Garzanti Editore, 1994. xxiii, 427 p.: port. ( i grandi libri).

158. Le maitre et Marguerite = The Master and Margarita / translated by Claude Ligny. Paris: Pocket, 1994, 581 p. (Pocket) Bibliography: p. 579-580.

159. Mikhail Bulgakov's Master & Margarita, or, The devil comes to Moscow / adapted for a theater by Jean-Claude Van Itallie; from a translation of the novel by Sergei Kobiakoff. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1995, 69 p.: ill.

PG3572.A45 M54 1995

160. Mistr a Marketka = The Master and Margarita. Praha: Odeon, 1990, 322 p. (Galerie klasiku).

161. Mistrz i Ma~gorzata = The Master and Margarita / translated by Irena Lewandowska and Witold DЃbrowski, adopted by Andrzej Drawicz . Wroc"aw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1990. xxxviii, 522 p.: ill., ports. (Biblioteka narodowa. Seria II). Bibliography: p. [lxxxiv]-lxxxviii.

162. Mistrz i Ma~gorzata = The Master and Margarita / translated by Irena Lewandowska and Witold Dabrowski. Warszawa: Czytelnik, 1993, 1995, 1997, 476 p.

163. Mistrz i Ma~gorzata = The Master and Margarita. Czarny Mag / translated by Irena Lewandowska, Witold Dabrowski and Krzyztof Tur. Warszawa: MUZA SA, 1994, 607 p. (Dziela wybrane; t. 3. Biblioteka Bestsellerow)

164. Mistrz i Ma"gorzata = The Master and Margarita / adopted by Andrzej Drawicz . Wroc"aw: Wydawnictwo
     Dolnoslaskie, 1995, 598 p. (Biblioteka klasyki).


165. Morphine / translated by Marianne Gourg. Paris: Solin, 1990, 80 p.


166. Black snow / adapted from the "Theatrical Novel" by Keith Dewhurst. Bath, England: Absolute Classics, 1991, 72 p.

167. Black snow / adapted by Keith Reddin. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1993, 65 p.: ill.

168. Black snow : Theatrical Novel / translated by Michael Glenny. London: Collins-Harvill, 1986, 1991, 1996, 171 p.

169. Le roman teatral = Theatrical Novel. Paris: Actes sud, 1996, 252 p. (Domain etranger. 10-18; 1569)

170. Teatr = Theatrical Novel / adapted by Sophie Renauld. Paris: Actes sud, 1991, 61 p. (Actes sud-Papiers).


171. Teatral'ny0 Roman = Theatrical Novel / edit and commentary by Ellendea Proffer. Dana Point: Ardis Publishers, 1993, 250 p.: ill. (Sobranie Sochinenii; vol. 7)


172. La Garde blanche = White Guard / translated by Claude Ligny and Laure Troubetzkoy. Paris: Pocket, 1995, 317 p.

173. Bia~a gwardia = White Guard. Warszawa: PaЅstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1992, 237 p.


174. Zoya's apartment : a tragic farce in three acts / translated by Nicholas Saunders and Frank Dwyer. New York: Samuel French; 1991, 1996. 109 p.

PG3476.B78 Z3513 1991

175. Zoyka's apartment : a tragic farce in three acts / translated and adapted by Nicholas Saunders and Frank Dwyer. Lyme, NH: Smith & Kraus, 1995, 1996, 128 p. (Great translations for actors series).

PG3476.B78 Z3513 1996

176. Zoja's appartement : tragische farce in drie bedrijven = Zoyka's apartment / translated by Manon Van de Water. Leiden: Plantage/G&S, 1993, 69 p. (Russisch theater; no. 6) OTHER WORKS

177. Adam et Eve : theatre = Adam and Eva / translated by Bernard Noel. Creil: Dumerchez, 1993, 131 p. (Collection Skene, 1158-6095)

178. Czarny mag : rozdzia~y z powieСci; Opowiadania. Bia~ystok: Wydawnictwo єuk, 1992, 181 p.

179. The Early Plays of Mikhail Bulgakov / translated by Carl R. Proffer and Ellendea Proffer. Dana Point: Ardis Publishers, 1990, 1995, 418 p.

180. Ecrits autobiographiques. Arles: Actes Sud, 1997, 338 p. (Babel; 293).

181. Notes on the Cuff & Other Stories / translated by Alison Rice. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1991. xix, 223 p.: ill.

PG3476.B78 A27 1991

182. P'esy = Plays / edited by Ellendea Proffer. Dana Point: Ardis Publishers, 1993 (Sobranie Sochineii; vol. 5).

183. Trzy zycia : opowiadania, urywki, felietony. Bia~ystok: Wydawnictwo Luk, 1995, 225 p. (Biblioteka Rosyjska).

184. Six plays / translated by William Powell, Michael Glenny and Michael Earley, introduced by Lesley Milne. London: Methuen Drama, c1991, 1994. [xxiv], 416 p. (Methuen world classics). Includes bibliographical references p. [xxiv].

185. Great Soviet short stories. New Laurel edition. New York: Dell, 1990, 1962, xiii, 448 p. CONTENT: Adventures of Chichikov.

186. Peace plays : two / selected and introduced by D. Lowe. London: Methuen Drama, 1990, 160 p. (Methuen new theatrescripts).
     CONTENT: Adam and Eve.

187. Racconti fantastici. Milano: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1991, 327 p. (I classici della BUR).
     CONTENT: Diaboliad, The Fatal Eggs,The Adventures of Chichikov.

188. Recits d'un jeune medecin, suivis de, Morphine et Les aventures singulieres d'un docteur / translated by Paul Leguesne. Lausanne,: L'Age d'homme, 1994, 156 p. (Classigues slaves).
     CONTENT: A country doctor's notebook, Morphine.

189. Romans / translated by Marianne Gourg. [Paris]: Robert Laffont, 1993. cxii, 1064 p. (Bouquins). Bibliography: p. 1059-1060.
      CONTENT: The White Guard, Moliere, The Theatrical Novel, The Master and Margarita.

190. The Terrible news : Russian stories from the years following the Revolution. London: Black Spring Press, 1990, 1991: 165 p.:
     CONTENT: The Red crown .

191. Une seance de spiritisme / translated by Andre Cabaret. Strasbourg: Circe, 1991, 134 p.


Abraham, Pavel 23
Anderson, Roger 124
Angell, M. Max 1
Baker, Harold111
Balina, Marina83
Barooshian, V.D.89
Barratt, Andrew 80, 91, 118
Basset, Antoinette M.2
Baum, Rob K.24
Beaujour, Elizabeth Klosty25
Bethea, David M.26, 65, 76, 80
Binova, Galina27
Borden, Richard89
Bottiger, L.E.28
Braun, Edvard 122
Brezuleanu, Ana Maria 29
Briker, Boris30
Bristol, Evelyn31
Brintlinger, Angela Kay3
Brown, Edvard J. 125
Burgin, Diana150
Cabaret, Andre191
Carlsle, Olga76
Checkin, Leslie Louise4
Chudakova, Marietta35, 84
Coleman, C. B.36
Cox, Stephen37
Crossan, J.60
Crowfoot, John119
Crugten, Alan154
Curtis, Julie A.47, 76, 77, 78, 79, 89, 140
DЃbrowski, Witold 161, 162, 163
Davies, J. M. Q.38
Debrecseny, Paul124
Dewhurst, Keith166
Di Sora, Daniela 39
Doyle, Peter 89
Drawicz, Andrzej40, 161, 164
Dwyer, Frank174, 175
Earley, Michael184
Elbaum, Edward E.41
Ericson, Edward E.42
Faiman, Grigorii43
Fast, Piotr44
Feldstein, Ronald51
Filips-Juswigg, Katherina45
Fleishman, L.125
Fowler, Margarita5, 119
Franklin, Simon76, 89, 147
Freidin, G. 125
Gasparov, Boris 46
Gerould, Daniel47
Gillespie, David C. 48
Gimpelevich-Schwartzman, Zina49, 146
Ginsburg, Mirra142, 151
Glenny, Michael147, 148, 168, 184
Gobler, Frank 50
Golub, S.122
Goscilo, Helena51
Gottlieb, Vera122
Gourg, Marianne52, 64, 165, 189
Graham, Sheelagh 135
Grayson, Jane42, 76, 89
Gribble, Charles E. 51, 55
Grinbalte, Sarmitee46
Grinbalts, Maris46
Gunter, Hans107
Gutkin, Irina53
Haber, Edythe C.54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 80, 89
Hausmann, Christiane59
Hetenyi, Z.60
Hoisington, Sona S.25
Hunns, Derek J.61
Itallie, Jean-Claude van159
Javornik, Miha62, 63
Jones, Malcolm V.111
Kalb, Judith Ellen6
Kassek, Dagmar83, 84
Kobiakoff, Sergei159
Krugovo0, George65, , 66
Lakshin, V.80
Landy, Deborah A.7
Larsen, Susan Kirsten8, 67
LeBlanc, Ronald D.68, 80
Lefsky, Bethan9
Leguesne, Paul64, 188
Leong, Albert75
Lewandowska, Irena161, 162, 163
Ligny, Claude158, 172
Liubin, Misha69
Lokshina, Tanya10
Longinovic, Tomislav Z.11, 70
Lowe, David71, 186
Lur'e, IA. S.72
Luria, J.73
Mahood, Scott L.12
Mai, Birgit74
Mann, Robert75
Mathauser, Zdenek81
McGrath, Patrick82
Mikulasek, Miroslav 86, 87, 88
Miller, Howard E.122
Milne, Lesley74, 89, 90, 91, 184
Moravkova, Alena92, 93, 94, 95
Moser, Charles A.31
Moss, Kevin111
Natova, Nadezhda96, 97, 98
Navrozov, N150
Negarville, Lucetta39
Noel, Bernard177
O'Connor, Katherine150
Oja, Matt F.101
Olonova, El'vira102
Olsen, B.103
Olsufieva, Mariia 143
Pagnini, Stefania Pavan104
Pekar, Harvey76
Perlinska, Agnieszka105
Pervukhina, Natalia106
Peters, Jochen-Ulrich107
Petro, Nicolai N.108
Petrochenkov, Valery108
Petrovski0, M. S.106
Pevear, Richard152
Piretto, Gian Piero110
Pittman, Riitta H.111, 112
Pokrovskii, Boris113
Pope, Richard51
Popovich-Semeniuk, Maria13
Powell, William184
Pozin, Mikhail49
Prager, Valerie14
Predneva, Ludmila76
Proffer, Carl R.114, 140, 141, 179
Proffer, Ellendea80, 141, 150, 171, 179, 182
Pyman, Avril146
Radzobe, Silvija115
Reddin, Keith167
Redmond, James24
Reissner, E.111
Renauld, Sophie170
Reschke, Thomas85
Rice, Alison181
Richmond, Steven David15
Rogers, Michael16
Rollberg, Peter83, 84, 89
Ross, Ruth M.76, 181
Rozhdestvensky, Ilya16
Russell, Robert76, 91, 118
Rzhevsky, Nicolas122
Sabo, Roman Andrzej17
Saunders, Nicholas174, 175
Scammell, William89
Schoeller, Wilfried F.117
Schooneveld, Cornelis van51
Schupbach, R.D.125
Segel, Harold B.118
Shentalinskii, Vitalii119
Shneerson, Mariia120
Siemens, Elena89
Singleton, Amy Catherine18
Smelianskii, A. M.122, 123
Smith, Natalie Marie19
Solomon, Howard Todd20, 80
Stapanian-Apkarian, Juliette R.124
Steinberg, Sybil S.150, 181
Strada, Vittorio125
Stuttaford, Genevieve76
Tait, A.L122
Terry, Garth M.126
Testa, Carlo127
Thomas, Kathleen21
Thompson, David128
Thompson, Lo-Ann128
Tittler, N.76, 181
Townsend, Charles. E.51
Ttoubetzkoy, Laure172
Tur, Krzyztof163
Vaserstein, Tamara129
Volokhonsky, Larissa152
Water, Manon Van de176
Weeks, Laura D.76, 80
Williams, Gareth130
Woleffheim, Elsbeth131
Wright, A. Colin132, 133
Yarwood, E.111
Yurieff, Michael134
Zimmermann, Gisela22
Zinik, Zinovy181
Ziolkowski, Margaret135
Zvezdanov, Nikolai136

Ann Arbor114, 141, 150, 181
Arles64, 137, 180
Basingstoke91, 107
Berlin83, 117
Bia~ystok178, 183
Brno23, 27, 87, 88
Cambridge24, 47
Chapel Hill1
Columbus51, 55
Dana Point171, 179, 182
Evanston25, 80
Frankfurt am Main59, 85, 120
Holyoke, MA69
Krakow40, 138
Lausanne154, 188
Lawrence20, 22, 100
Leipzig83, 84
Lewiston42, 61
London76, 77, 123, 139, 140, 142, 146, 148, 152, 153, 168, 184, 186, 190
Lyme, NH175
Madison3, 9, 18
Madrid34, 156
Milan110, 143, 157, 187
New Haven8, 36, 67
New York31, 49, 61, 74, 75, 83, 89, 99, 111, 118, 119, 122, 147, 149, 151, 159, 167, 174, 185
Oxford48, 73, 112
Paris52, 79, 144, 158, 165, 169, 170, 172, 189
Praha92, 93, 94, 95, 160
Stanford6, 125
Strasbourg176, 191
Waltham7, 10, 16
Warszawa162, 163, 173
Wroc~aw161, 164

1967148, 149, 168
198747, 53
199011, 13, 40, 49, 50, 59, 60, 73, 75, 84, 88, 89, 91, 107, 108, 110, 118, 127, 130, 139, 141, 143, 156, 160, 161, 165, 179, 185, 186, 190
19915, 26, 28, 29, 34, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 54, 57, 65, 66, 67, 72, 76, 79, 83, 85, 89, 90, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 126, 132, 133, 134, 140, 145, 155, 166, 168, 170, 174, 181, 184, 187, 190, 191
19927, 12, 22, 27, 31, 38, 52, 53, 58, 63, 64, 65, 76, 77, 78, 83, 89, 104, 105, 111, 114, 125, 135, 137, 144, 147, 148, 173, 178, 181
19931, 8, 9, 14, 23, 24, 36, 42, 56, 65, 68, 70, 74, 76, 81, 86, 87, 89, 92, 111, 120, 122, 123, 128, 129, 136, 141, 142, 149, 150, 154, 162, 167, 171, 176, 177, 182, 189
19943, 16, 17, 18, 30, 33, 51, 55, 62, 76, 83, 89, 93, 122, 124, 138, 146, 157, 158, 163, 184, 188
19954, 10, 25, 32, 41, 69, 74, 82, 100, 103, 116, 121, 122, 139, 150, 151, 159, 162, 164, 172, 175, 179, 183
19962, 6, 15, 19, 21, 35, 37, 48, 49, 61, 71, 80, 95, 99, 106, 117, 119, 131, 168, 169, 174, 175
199720, 80, 152, 153, 162, 180

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